From Paris to the Colombian desert, I created a committed accessories brand

Six years since this adventure began... I remember at the start, facing that blank page, filled with desires, dreams of saving the world, yet also hindered by three tons of doubts.

I returned a bit empty-handed after four years of traveling the world in search of meaning. My experience in Indonesia, immersed in the Fast Fashion industry, truly shook me. I could no longer adhere to this world of overproduction, waste, and human exploitation. It all seemed devoid of meaning.

It was decided, I wanted to be part of the solution, not the problem!

By life's coincidences (if indeed they are coincidences), I had the privilege of meeting the Wayuu weavers, these women with golden hands! In 2018, I launched Mazonia's first crowdfunding campaign, which exceeded all my expectations: over 291% of its initial goal.

Thanks to the funds raised, the website quickly took shape, providing the project with the opportunity to flourish over the years. I explored other crafts, discovered other passions to support an ever-growing number of artisans!

Today, the mission of Mazonia, and mine by extension, is clear: to shed light on Colombian craftsmanship that I cherish so much, but not just that. Supporting these artisans and their families is crucial, ensuring them fair and regular compensation. Preserving their ancestral know-how is also at the heart of my concerns.

Mazonia has appeared on french television twice. First on M6 channel news broadcast, then on TF1 channel "50 minutes Inside".

Six years since this adventure began... and my team has grown. There are four of us today to offer you more novelties and more ideas. And I don't really feel like stopping there! I continue to see the future with great optimism, with the dream, one day, of exploring other countries and supporting even more artisans.

Mazonia supports over 80 artisans and their families. Among them are the Wayuu weavers, the creators of woven bracelets, and artisans specializing in vegetable ivory sculpture.

To all those who have accompanied me since the beginning of this adventure, I want to express my gratitude. Thank you for making all this possible, thank you for trusting me, thank you for allowing me to demonstrate that when you believe in your dreams, they can become reality. Thank you, because together, we support more artisans every day to live their passion.

And to all those who join us day by day in this beautiful adventure, I want to say welcome. Thank you also for offering us this opportunity to grow even more. Who knows, maybe one day we will succeed in creating fashion that makes sense, impactful fashion! Fashion in a thousand colors, where artisans are the guardians of these secrets that allow us to capture all the nuances of this world.

Let's continue dreaming together!

Con mucho amor, ♡


Quelles merveilles ces sacs , plus beaux les uns que les autres ….
Et bien , avec ma fille ne sachant pas lequel choisir , nous en avons commandés deux …🥰
Merci pour tout ce que vous faites

Valerie Vincent May 16, 2024

Quel beau reportage sur 50 mn insade
Je vous admire de faire travailler ces merveilleuses petites mains et de faire découvrir ces trésors de la Colombie
Je suis veuve depuis peu et m’intéresse beaucoup à des reportages spéciaux comme le vôtre cela me réconforte
Continuer et je vous achèterai certainement vos merveilles
Mme Marie Laure Monteau

Monteau Marie Laure December 16, 2023

J ai acheté votre sac camilo. Je l’adore ! Et savoir d’où il vient et qui il supporte me rend fière de le porter au quotidien.

Bonne chance Jeanne, vous êtes un exemple pour moi !

Claire December 05, 2022

Très belle initiative ! J’ai découvert ce projet sur Ulule et je le suis avec plaisir depuis, quelle joie et quel plaisir de le voir prospérer avec de si belles valeurs !

Vanessa December 05, 2022

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